My First Aquarium by Pat

My First Aquarium by PatI went to the local pet shop, where a girl told me how to set up an aquarium.  She sold me a starter kit.  There was great excitement getting the tank ready for the new occupiers.  Before the fish are introduced to their new home the water chemistry has to be right. 

For four weeks I looked at the tank waiting for the water to be ready.  I was getting very impatient.  Finally the water was ready.  I rushed down to the pet shop to pick put the fish that I thought I would like to have in the aquarium. 

When I got there and told the girl what I wanted she said, “No, not tropical fish”.  She pointed me in the direction of the hardy fish.  I bought a few different types.

I now love to sit and watch the fish swimming around the tank.

My First Aquarium by Pat – Wordsearch

My First Aquarium by Pat - Wordsearch 1

My First Aquarium by Pat - Wordsearch 2