What Reading Means to Me

Watch1. Watch

Watch the short video showing people reading in different situations.   

Think2. Think about it

Did you enjoy the video?  How did it make you feel? 

Choose3. Choosing

Watch again and choose your favourite picture. 

Take your time. Watch it as many times as you wish. 

Describe4. Describe

Describe which picture you chose. 

Describe the person in it and where that person is.

Imagine you are describing the picture to someone who can’t see it. 

For this writing we need some facts: 

  • How many people are in the picture?
  • What’s their age? 
  • Where is the person? 
  • Describe the place?
  • Describe the clothes 

Re-watch the video as many times as you wish. 



Opinion5. Giving your opinion

Say why you chose this picture. 

What do you like about it? 

How does it make you feel? 

How do you think the person in the picture is feeling? 

6. Here are some words and phrases you may want to use:

  • calm,
  • engrossed,
  • relaxed,
  • captivated,
  • quiet,
  • tranquil 
  • In her/his own world,
  • lost in thought,
  • in another world/space. 

7. About you and reading

Do you enjoy reading?   Why/Why not? 

If yes, what do you like to read? (books/magazines/websites – types of books/magazines) 

Where do you read? 

When do you read? 


Write8. Write

Write your answers and take a Whatsapp photo to send to Dee or Emily 

Visit9. VISIT 

The National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square, D2, is open again!  You can visit it or tour online.  We’ll talk about this in our Zoom! 


National Gallery of Ireland

National Gallery of Ireland